February 1, 2023


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what is Camtasia app


Capture your screen

Camtasia is screen capture software. You can record everything happening on your screen in real time: videos, PowerPoint, video games, etc. Camtasia’s strong point is the ability to add other elements that enrich your videos: appearance effects, insertion of subtitles, addition of clickable links, chapters, etc. The software is available for PC (under the name Camtasia Studio) and for Mac (Camtasia for Mac). The two versions are not identical in terms of functionality and are not sold at the same price (€ 257.14 for the PC license and € 85.14 for the Mac license, other prices are available for students and teachers).

Make tutorials

Among the possible uses of Camtasia, the most obvious is the realization of software tutorials. Indeed, how to best present the different functionalities of a software that by
capturing its exploration
and commenting on it. You can also comment on a video or an image. Camtasia can also be useful if you want to start from a PowerPoint to unfold the content of a course. If you have a graphics tablet or even with a mouse (more difficult), you can perform demonstrations on Paint and verbally detail each step of your reasoning.

Multiple functionalities

The editing interface offers a multitude of options. We have made a selection of the most interesting (in our opinion):

Captions: insertion of subtitles to the video by synchronizing it with the image.

Quizzing (only for the PC version): Allows you to introduce video surveys. These will be interactive and users will be able to respond to them. To do this, you will need to save the video in Flash and HTML5 format.

Record Camera

This option allows you to create a video from a webcam. We will be able to record a video while talking to the webcam and add it to the project we are commenting on.

Other features exist, but are kept simple and basic and should not necessarily be exposed. After you have made your videos, save them in the various formats possible in the hard drive, or send them directly to YouTube. You will then see the hyperlink and the code to embed.

A complete tool

Camtasia is a professional tool, the price of which is justified by the existence of many features. It will greatly facilitate the realization of your tutorials and can also allow you to animate videos by associating existing elements. If you just want to capture your screen, without adding any effects or external elements, there is free software, for example Camstudio.

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